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Invite your Team

Table of contents

  1. The Meeting Identifier
  2. Joining the Debate
    1. During the Lobby Stage
    2. After the Lobby Stage

The Meeting Identifier

If you are the organizer, you will be the first person to enter the lobby. You need to invite your team so they can see the other participants and start the discussion process.

You will find the meeting identifier at the bottom of the screen. When you click on the debate ID, a link to the debate will be copied to the clipboard. You can share this link with other team members (using channels outside our website, such as email or chat), and they will be able to use the link to join.

You will find the Debate identifier at the bottom of the screen. When you click on it, a link to the debate will be copied to the clipboard. You can share this link with other team members (using channels outside our website, such as email or chat). Using this link, the people you invited will be able to join the session.


Alternatively, you can share the meeting identifier itself by selecting and copying it to the clipboard. When you follow this approach, members should use the ‘Join Debate’ dialog and enter the debate identifier in the form manually.

For more information, see the Create or Join Debate section.

Joining the Debate

Whether you can join the session using the link (or the identifier) depends on what stage the Debate is in and what roles have been assigned by the meeting organizer. To learn more about the different stages of the Debate, please see the Debate Workflow section.

During the Lobby Stage

When the Debate is in the Lobby stage, and members are just gathering, any registered user can join the Lobby using the link or the debate identifier. For that reason, share the link only with the people you want to participate in the debate.

After the Lobby Stage

When the debate is in the Preparation, Debate, or Evaluation stage, only those users can join the session to whom the Organizer assigned a role earlier in the Lobby. Any other users will not be able to join the debate, even if they have the link or the debate ID.